Friday, May 28, 2010

KANYINI..Connectedness, with family, land and spirit.

Last week I spent Sunday with Bob Randal, an aboriginal elder from the Mutitjulu people who live at and are custodians of Uluru. Because I am often flippant on this blog about my experiences and my thousand ways of procrastinating as opposed to the work of working on my novel which I am supposed to be doing at the moment I did not wish to rush into a trite description of last Sunday, my time with Bob, his wife Barbara, Philip, Karen, Neil (from the Eco House in the St Kilda Botanic Gardens) and Sally, who organised the entire day in her usual tireless and endlessly nurturant way ( which apart from her being a "choir angel" from our singing group is one of the many reasons I refer to her as an angel when I speak about our cultural outings together). I am also notoriously sceptical of the "New Age" and political correctness per se.

However. One of the things we did last Sunday was watch the film KANYINI together. I will not gush about this film. I think it is far too important for that. I will include some quotes from other Australians connected with the film world to urge you to see the film. I do urge you to see the film. In a way just as a nod towards paying the rent as Peter Garret would say.

KANYINI means connectedness - to one's land, family and spirit.

My wish...that everyone go see this film. Uncle Bob just tells it like it is. Simply, beautifully and with a light heart. A special film that tells an "open truth" that should have been told a very long time ago. - Deborah Mailman.

On an issue so fraught with guilt and regret, it is wonderfully refreshing to hear Uncle Bob's clear, simple and very important message. It comes from a very generous and patient heart and offers a positive direction for us all to take. Could someone give him the PM's home phone number? - Claudia Karvan.

Please, make, find or create an opportunity to see this film.

Thank you Bob.



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